An advance of cash is different to a business loan because the lender is effectively buying future sales from the business at a discount. Repayments will come from future revenue and that is why it is sometimes referred to as a revenue loan.
Usually no interest rate is set, however an “advance rate” is used to determine how much will be repaid. In this way the total cost is agreed upfront, making it easy to prepare for. There may be regular payments required at a set amount of total revenue (for example 10%). This makes this type of funding more flexible as payments can be made at a level you can afford based on your revenue.
Advanced cash can be a lifeline for businesses of all sizes as it can help with a number of scenarios:
In these scenarios, the business can repay the cash advance as the turnover increases, allowing for the ups and downs of business life.
We are always happy to offer advice on our Advanced Cash options. Just give us a call to discuss your needs with our professional team.
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