20 practical tips that will make you more productive

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How many times have you asked yourself how other people can do so many activities when they have the same amount of time that you have? I have already asked myself this question many times, and I am very interested in the subject. I don’t see myself as having the best time management skills in […]

Why the reception is the most important department in your company?

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How many times have you visited a company and you didn’t feel very welcomed, starting by the company receptionist? I am sure it happened to you many times. In my opinion, the first 5 minutes that your client is in touch with your company are the most important and is the breaking point in their […]


Fraud Alert 1

We are aware that some of our clients have received text messages and/or emails promising tax refunds. These messages, supposedly sent by HMRC, are fraud.Do not disclosure any personal information via SMS, email of phone in reply to these messages (examples below). HMRC is aware of the situation and stated:“HMRC will never notify you of […]

When should you shake hands with your competitor?

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Have you ever thought in merging your business with that of your competitor?   Perhaps you have.In my opinion the only way to bring two competitors together is if the real synergy between the two companies participating in the merger creates value which is greater than what each individual company brings to the table on their […]

What are the advantages of working for a SME?

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When I was young I used to hear from older people that working for a big enterprise used to mean a big salary, benefits and satisfaction. After 10 years running a small enterprise with almost 50 employees it is clear to me that working for a SME can bring you better rewards than its counterpart.You […]

Why most of small businesses don’t grow?

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There were a record 5,4 million private sector businesses at the start of 2015.According to the federation of small businesses (FSB) 99.3% of all the private sector at the start of 2015 were small businesses and 99.9% were small or medium sized businesses (SMEs).In 2015, there were 1.3 million employing businesses and 4.1 million non-employing […]

How to resolve cash flow problems in your company?

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You only realize the importance of understanding the real meaning of terms such as: working capital, cash flow and operating cycle, when your business is going through financial problems.The lack of funds in your business bank account might be a problem during the business start-up, growing or declining phases.During the start-up phase, it is clear […]

How Brexit will affect all the small and medium enterprises in London?

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On Thursday 23rd of June 2016 the UK will vote either to remain in or leave the European Union.According to the Government voting to leave the EU would create years of uncertainty and potential economic disruption. This would definitely reduce investment and cost jobs in the UK.The reason why voting to leave could result in […]