HMRC released the most optimistic Self-Assessment expense claims

hmrc release assessment expense

Glamorous holidays abroad, luxury watches and Friday nights out all feature in HM Revenue and Custom’s (HMRC) list of the most outlandish expenses that customers tried to claim back on their Self-Assessment returns. HMRC released the strangest expenses to make sure other customers don’t make similar claims: Holiday flights to the Caribbean Luxury watches as Christmas […]

Quer vender o seu peixe? Primeiro você precisará saber como fisgá-lo…

Selling your fish final

Muitos dos empreendedores que conheço são vendedores muito bons. A grande maioria dos donos de negócios com quem tive contato me disse dar mais importância à venda a um cliente em potencial do que encontrar o cliente ideal para o negócio. Mas em minha opinião, atrair, encontrar e chegar ao cliente certo é mais importante […]

Want to sell your fish? You’ll need to know how to catch them first…

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Most of the entrepreneurs I know are very good salespeople. The vast majority of business owners I have been in contact with tell me that they attach more importance to selling to a potential client than finding the ideal client for their business. But in my opinion, attracting, finding and reaching out for the right […]