Como ler e entender o report de contas da sua empresa?

report de contas

Como empreendedor, você pode aumentar suas chances de tomar as decisões certas e ter sucesso ao entender os conceitos básicos de alguns assuntos relacionados aos negócios, como Economia, Marketing, Gestão Operacional, entre outros. Finanças e Contabilidade são assuntos de negócios cruciais a serem aprendidos. Na minha opinião, todos os assuntos de negócios têm o mesmo […]

Por que a recepção é o departamento mais importante na sua empresa?


Quantas vezes você visitou uma empresa e não se sentiu bem-vindo, começando pelo recepcionista da empresa? Tenho certeza de que isso aconteceu várias vezes. Em minha opinião, os primeiros 5 minutos de contato que o seu cliente tem com a empresa são os mais importantes e são o ponto de ruptura na decisão de compra. […]

Important notice: New VAT Flat Rate Scheme

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From April 2017, HMRC has announced significant changes for the amount of VAT that many small businesses will have to pay in UK. This will affect vast majority of businesses that use the VAT Flat Rate Scheme but spend very little on goods, including raw materials such as companies providing services to their clients. The […]


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This HMRC advert is one of many the government has placed in public spaces. This initiative is called “HMRC is closing the net on tax dodgers”. The message is clear: ‘We are coming after you if you don’t pay your taxes’.As soon as I arrived in the cinema I went to buy myself popcorn and […]



Do you know how the government has spent your money? Do you think the UK government has spent your money in a fair and effective way? These are important questions which we should all know the answers to.In January, we received a lot of calls from our clients regarding a letter they had received from […]

Are you busy? You should close your office door

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I’ve always wanted to write about this business issue. Over the last 10 years, I’ve suffered from busyness, especially as my business has grown and more and more colleagues have joined our team. In my 20s, I read a lot of business books which taught that to build a successful business, you had to find […]